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The Great Books of the Western World  Full Leather

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1.               Aeschylus - Complete Plays

2.               Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay - The Federalist

3-4.         Aristophanes - Plays Volume 1-2

5-8.         Aristotle - Volume 1-4

9.               Bacon, Sir Francis  - Selected Writings

10-12.   Boswell, James  - The Life of Samuel Johnson Volume 1-3

13-14.   Cervantes - Don Quixote de la Mancha Volume 1-2

15-16.   Chaucer, Geoffrey  - The Canterbury Tales Volume 1-2

17.            Chaucer, Geoffrey  - Troilus and Cressida

18.            Dante - The Divine Comedy

19.            Darwin, Charles  - The Descent of Man

20.            Darwin, Charles  - The Origin of Species

21.            Descartes and Spinoza

22.            Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Brothers Karamazov

23.            Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius and Nicomachus

24-25.   Euripides - Plays Volume 1-2

26-27.   Fielding, Henry  - Tom Jones Volume 1-2

28-30.   Freud, Sigmund  - The Major Works Volume 1-3

31-36.   Gibbon, Edward  - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1-6

37.            Gilbert, Galileo and Harvey

38.            Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von  - Faust

39.            Herodotus - The History of Herodotus

40.            Hippocrates and Galen

41.            Homer - The Iliad

42.            Homer - The Odyssey

43.            James, William  - The Principles of Psychology

44.            Kant and Hegel

45.            Lavoisier, Fourier and Faraday

46.            Locke, Berkeley and Hume

47.            Lucretius, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius

48.            Machiavelli and Hobbes - Political Writings

49.            Marx and Engels - Capital and The Manifesto of the Communist Party

50-51.   Melville, Herman  - Moby-Dick Volume 1-2

52.            Mill, John Stuart  - Political Writings

53.            Milton, John  - Poetry and Prose

54-56.   Montaigne - Essays Volume 1-3

57.            Montesquieu, Charles de  - The Spirit of Laws

58.            Newton and Huygens

59.            Pascal - Provincial Letters, Pensees and Scientific Treatises

60-62.   Plato - The Works of Plato Volume 1-3

63.            Plotinus - The Enneads

64-67.   Plutarch - The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Volume 1-4

68.            Ptolemy, Copernicus and Kepler

69-70.   Rabelais, Francois - Gargantua and Pantagruel Volume 1-2

71.            Rousseau, Jean Jacques  - Selected Writings

72.            Saint Augustine - The City of God and On Christian Doctrine

73.            Saint Augustine - The Confessions of Saint Augustine

74-75.  Saint Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica Volume 1-2

76-82.   Shakespeare, William  - Volume 1-7

83.            Smith, Adam  - The Wealth of Nations

84.            Sophocles - Plays

85.            Sterne, Laurence  - Tristram Shandy

86.            Swift, Jonathan  - Gulliver's Travels

87-89.   Syntopicon - The Great Ideas (Guide to The Great Books) Volume 1-3

90.            Tacitus - The Annals and The Histories

91.            Thucydides - The History of the Peloponnesian War

92-94.   Tolstoy, Leo  - War and Peace Volume 1-3

95.            Virgil - The Aeneid

96.            Virgil - The Eclogues and The Georgics